
you're it!

I have never heard of it before but it seems the internet rediscovered its childhood and started playing tag...I play along.

gf tagged me and now I have to continue this newer version of a chain letter that doesn't even try to threaten you with bad luck for the next 10 years if you break the chain...

if I understood the whole procedure correctly, I now have to post 10 weird things about myself.

1. Give me a little sugar and I dare you to stick around and wait deal with what happens.

2. Sometimes I get a little wacko totally without the sugar. It's scary to some people (the gf!)

3. I come from a long line of wacko people. This makes family reunions always fun or horror, depending on your kind of humor.

4. I don't like the concept of celebrating birthdays, I've been trying to avoid them but was forced to 23 times until now.

5. I don't do chain letters, usually.

6. I tend to think that my low work morale is temporary, but it's lasted for years now...

7. I like computer games and they are the reason my work morale is so low. Almost any computer game. From online flash games to stregy and sim games. Everything. I don't have enough time to play though, me thinks.

8. I'm a big fan of all things geek, but too un-geeky to know anything about it all.

9. I love music. It drives me mad that my speakers have this hardly audible cracking sound and I can't figure it out.

10. I have strange memories in weird places. I say strange things sometimes.

Now, it's time to tag some people, right?
Obviously I can't tag gf because she tagged me...graciously because I'm her gf first and only on second thought because she thinks I'm cool or something...:)

1. I'll tag shazza, I know gf did already but I really like her random thoughts and that's why I'll tag her too.
2. Lola, because I like her rants.
3. tenderhooligan, because I like her thoughts.
4. I like LG's anecdotes and even though she was tagged before, I'll tag her too.
5. I'm breaking the rules and only name 4 bloggers because I really don't read that many blogs


Lola said...

Hey, thanks for the tag, it might get me to post more than my current sporadic efforts. You have a cool blog, I'll try and keep up with it from now on!

Love, Lola

Lola said...

Oops, that should read wordpress, not blogspot. A good lesson for me about not posting comments at 5am!

finn said...

thanks for the kudos. looking forward to seeing you around.
and looking forward to you 10 random things...