
Is it still winter?

When i left home this morning to see the dentist everything was still in order. When i got off the underground on the other side of town there was snow all around. I then had to de-ice my mom's car before driving into the thickest soup of fog ever. When i passed over a bridge i couldn't even see the water beneath me. Now,being on the underground again, i expect everything to be normal again when i get off. The weather is crazy sometimes.


LG said...

It's supposed to snow here tomorrow, but yesterday it was warm enough for me to have my windows down in the truck for a while. I'm just trying to roll with it.

I love love love fog, btw. Wish we got more of it here.

Maria said...

Thanks for stopping by. Nice to meet you.

I am so weary of Winter that I take it personally each and every time it snows. And it snows twice a week like clockwork.

I will probably run outside and dance naked when Spring comes, this is insanity.