
random trainwreck of thoughts #54685

I'm drowning in work (again.) but I need a break and do something halfway meaningful (as opposed to writing hundreds of little sticky notes and sticking them to the wall behind my screen.

So we went to that sarah bettens concert on Monday and it was great. Gf had her reasons to like it and I understand that because of course I'm in there with her, but to me the concert was also some sort of celebration. It was my new freedom party. Also the music is just perfect for such occasions. I usually just forget about how much I like sarah bettens during the year when I have nothing but her records. I like them ok but they're not as driven and vibrant as the live version. She rocks on stage and I was so happy that she didn't have a support act but just started the whole thing by herself. I usually hate the whole break before the actual artist comes on stage. and also the tickets are much cheaper this way. I love it that she plays in small locations and makes tickets affordable. She comes everytime she's on tour in Europe and not only once every 5 years and then charges I don't know how much...To make a long trainwreck of thoughts short - I like Sarah Bettens. Also I think she should have her own skateboard or snowboard line. But I'm a sucker for merchandise...

I always wonder if she doesn't get bored playing "not an addict" everytime (at least everytime I saw her play here). I love the song though, especially played live.
Also it was very cute when she asked someone in the audience to lend her a camera to make a video to be put on youtube. It took only 3 days to be put up, it always goes slow in Austria. She had left her daughter back home and wanted us to say hello...how nice is that!?

Ok, now after boring you with a story of Monday I will go back to my sticky notes and put some more on the wall...


mccutcheon said...

behold! she blogged!

speaking of which: why do you have time to blog but not to text me back while I'm in bumfuck, austria on a work assignment?


finn said...

that's because it was hours ago and I forgot about it (also I thought I had texted you back) AND when I blogged my boss wasn't in my office behind my back as opposed to the time you texted me.