
My dream is your fault

A couple of nights ago I dreamt I was pregnant with twins. To be fair - I had talked about having kids that day, so that's where the dream came from, I guess.

So, I was pregnant and it is all well and then I go into labour. The next thing I know is that I'm holding two newborns in hand and catch myself thinking that newly born babies aren't really that cute (wait two weeks and they are the cutest little things you've ever seen).
So then gf comes into the room (where has she been while I was giving birth?) and starts talking about how she feels left out because I had the bonding experience with the pregnancy and that it would be so cool if she could name the boys. I agree and ask her which names she chose: Hotzenplotz and Rübezahl!
(both are characters in books. Hotzenplotz is a bandit of a childrens book by O. Preußler and Rübezahl is the subject of many fairy tales and can be reduced to an ugly giant)

I had this dream a couple of nights back and I know that it was my own mind dreaming but I keep blaming gf for her choice of names for the poor kids every time I get a chance...
Did you ever blame someone else for your dreams?

1 comment:

Shazza said...

I can see Rubezahl, but Hotzenplotz?


M has some really weird dreams - I hope she doesn't blame me because she's usually being chased by someone trying to kill her.
