
All saint's day

It's Saturday. And like almost every Saturday I got my purse and went to the store to get the things I didn't wanna carry the day before or the things we forgot to buy the day before.
So minding my own business I walk down the street to the store to get some Diet coke and while I'm still wondering why so few people are out on the streets on a Saturday it suddenly dawns on me: It's a national Holiday and stores are closed!
It should have been a clue when yesterday people were filling their carts like mad (because we all know when there's a holiday we need to buy more for the weekend?!) and the newspaper wasn't delivered today, because there is none today, because it is a fricking holiday.

But instead of thinking, I was happy that there were few people around because that would probably mean I wouldn't have to wait in line at the check out for half an hour...

1 comment:

Nelfy said...

I sat in class yesterday (Friday) afternoon, unable to concentrate anymore because it was Friday and thought about the weekend and the shopping I needed to do because I didn't have much to eat left in my fridge when it dawned on my - sh*t, tomorrow's a holiday! so after a 5.5-hour course at university, I went to buy groceries at 7 at night. thank god the interspar doesn't close until 8, otherwise I would have probably starved to death (just kidding - sortof). I love this country and it's religious holidays *sigh*