
my life in 2 hrs

My name is finn and I'm post free for 16 days. No, I haven't found a self help group for web-addicts, but I definitely haven't been around much lately. Various reasons, no good excuses.

Anyway, today we had a little x-mas get together after class (remember my tutoring-job?) and I somehow ended up being the last tutor left with the prof (let's call her C) and we kinda started to talk about online advertising and got to social networking and blogging, all within 1.5 hrs or so. During this time I was busy explaining the interwebs to C. She was busy wondering how I fit all of this into my already busy schedule.
I had a really good time and it was a good talk that at first I simply enjoyed for the entertainment value but on the way home it got me thinking...

why do I blog, do I spent too much time reading tweets? While I would usually wonder if I could find a more efficient feed reader, I now wonder if I maybe spend too much time online.
In the end everything will revert back to "normal" and I'll have my Rachel in the morning - to go, like my morning starbucks coffee (caramel macchiato).
I'll read my tweets on the tram and fret about the slow connection of my cell phone.

But I still think, that it's a good idea to question certain things and wonder if all the interconnectivity has a downside. I guess I needed to stop and look for a second, just to see the disadvandages and check back if I'm still ok doing what I do.

I was shocked at first, realising that I can reduce my life away from work to a two hour conversation in a cafe, but at least that gave me the reason to come back to blog...

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