
new job - brief update

Today is my third day of my new job and so far I LOVE IT!
I haven't even done anything great yet, but I'm having a lot of fun figuring out how everything works. I need to keep concentrated and I need to use my head - what a change to my previous jobs and the 3 months of unemployment. We're only two people so far, but the mothership in London is quite huge. And everytime I talk to someone they welcome me to the company like an old friend. Also they treat me like one of the big cheeses - I didn't know I was one of those, but I like it.
I'm working full time and I'm still tutorin at University, so I have a lot on my plate. Christmas is coming up and I really have no idea how to fit in all the shopping I wanna do without neglecting my family life. But I guess that come January I'll be fine.
And now, back to work...

1 comment:

Shazza said...

Congrats on the new job! Maybe you'll get to visit the mothership sometime and bring the Squishy one!