
Are you coming to the Toga Party?

On August 22nd 16 people will be looking for a missing Secret Agent and the secret papers he carries with him. It's a real life role playing game.

As you all know I'm a huge fan of all things Fringe, X-Files and other suspense stuff (also with a pinch of humor, like Chuck) and wouldn't trade in my MMORPG's for a lot of money (especially now, that I'm finally in outland with my priest)

Now a bunch of brilliant people came up with the idea to use smart phones and other gadgetry to make their own mainstream LARP.
Do I really need to say it? I'm over the moon about it. If I were Mary Murphy I'd scream really loud and have them all on a hot tamale train to somewhere.

I'm not sure how the 16 poeple will get picked and who choses them, but I sincerely hope to take part in all the fun.

Wish me luck!
Yours truly,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, guess I'll have my iPhone then. Sounds like fun :)